Midwinterblood Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I felt for Eirik's hand and he felt for mine, just as our father's and our uncle's hands felt for each other's throats. (6.7.26)

Melle and Eirik are constantly holding hands. In fact, they were even born holding hands. These twins are as close and as loving as can be. But here, their love is juxtaposed to another set of siblings—their father is strangling his own brother to death in front of their eyes. Where's the love between Wulf and Tor?

Quote #8

I often think, though, about that grave down in the long meadow.

Surely now, surely now that I am an old woman, and soon to stop telling stories and to go to the other side of sleep, surely those bodies have become bones?

I like to think of those bones.

The large ones, cradling the small ones, in their arms.


And son. (6.11.25-30)

This is a pretty lovely memory. Tor was willing to murder and terrorize the village to get what he wanted, but he might have had good reasons. Was it just because he loved and needed to be with his children? Melle seems to find comfort in thinking just that.

Quote #9

"I will live seven times, and I will look for you in each one. We will always be together."

Gunnar raises the knife, and the moonlight gleams from its edge.

"I will look for you and love you in each one. Will you follow?"

Suddenly Gunnar sweeps the knife across Eirikr's throat, in a single long arc of silver.

He makes no sound now. There is no air to make the sound. There are only the lips moving on Eirikr's face, but Melle sees what the words are.

"Will you follow?" (7.3.57-62)

This is a pretty powerful love. King Eirikr adores his wife so much that he proposes to follow her throughout time and space. The guy doesn't let a little thing like death stop him from being with the woman he loves.