Midwinterblood Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Merle. Understand. Remember the sea…"

She does understand, she senses it, too. Her tears and her trembling cease, and calm enters her blood.

She knows that they both believe the same thing, that if a life can be ruined in a single moment, a moment of betrayal, or violence, or ill luck, then why can a life not also be saved, be worth living, be made, by just a few pure moments of perfection?

She shuts her eyes, and dreams of swimming with him.

Immediately, the rest of the world drops away. (7.5.44-48)

In the end, it's memories that unite Eric and Merle. They've lived through a whole lot of tragedy, but also a whole lot of joy, and as they die, they focus on these perfect moments. Even though their pasts are full of sadness, in this moment, they find happiness in remembering all the good times. Aw.