Midwinterblood Quest Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Yes, thinks Eric Seven. Our journeys began, lifetimes ago.

I have lived this before, but I will not live it again.

He knows that this is his last life. Somehow, as he lies on the stone table, the moment before the violence of the knife-fall, he knows it all. (7.5.1-3)

Well, a journey has to end sometime, right? Eric would prefer it didn't end with his death, but still. Now he finally knows everything that has come before and has led him up to this point. Journey complete, right?

Quote #11

There is nothing now but the two of them, and their love, which has waited for centuries to be made again, and as their blood flows, first from Merle, and then from Eric, as their blood mingles on the table and in the soil of Blessed Island, they are no longer in love, they have become love itself.

And their journey begins.

So, it is. (7.5.53-55)

This is actually pretty sweet. Eric and Merle lived their lives and ended their journey, but now they're in for a new adventure. Does this mean the whole cycle starts again? Or are they onto a new journey in the afterlife?