Midwinterblood Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

A blood sacrifice.

A blessing, so that his blood might bring children back to the island.

Tor nods, and Henrik's hand rises.


"Wait," says Merle, quietly.

Henrik hesitates, and Tor turns to Merle. "What is it, child?"

Merle turns slowly to Tor, smiling. "Let me do it. I am the child of the island. Let me bring the children back."

Tor smiles, and nods.

"Yes. Yes, that is the right thing," he says. (7.5.9-17)

The sacrifice in 2073 is playing the same kind of role that the one back in the beginning of time does: Both deaths are supposed to bring fertility back to the island by spilling human blood. Merle cleverly plays on the symbolism of the moment to make their momentary escape, too.

Quote #11

They fight, wordlessly, but it is hopeless. Grimly and silently, they are dragged back to the table, where Henrik stands, clutching his face.

Tor lies on the hot summer earth, bleeding into it.

More hands push them roughly to the table.

"No!" screams Merle now, as she sees Henrik lift the knife from the ground, and approach them, but Eric calls to her, "Merle! Merle!"

She turns, looking into his eyes.

"Merle. My spirit is crying for leaving."

She shakes her head, tears flowing freely. (7.5.37-43)

Total bummer. These two are not willing sacrifices, but they realize in the end that there's nothing more they can do. There's no fighting it—this is their fate, and they will be sacrificed. Now if they can just spin it into something lovely, that would be very nice.