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Midwinterblood Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Midwinterblood? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Eric's favorite saying?

"Speak of the Devil."
"So it is."
"I followed you."
"No guts, no butts, no coconuts."
Q. What happy memory does Merle think of as she and Eric Seven die?

Holding hands
Picking apples in the orchard
Swimming in the sea
Selling Girl Scout cookies door-to-door
Q. Which item does David pull from his burning jacket?

His pistol
A picture
An ID card
Cold hard cash
Q. Which is the only lifetime that Eric doesn't die in while sacrificing himself?

Eric (2011)
Erik (1944)
Eric Carlsson (1902)
Eirik (10th Century)
Q. What is the remote island where the story takes place called in the 10th century?

Blessed Island
Blest Isle
Bloed Isle
Bloody Hell