Perfect Chapter 46 Summary


  • Kendra's trying to figure out what makes romantic relationships last; she decides it must be friendship.
  • If that's the case, her mom and Patrick will stay together, but her dad and Shiloh won't. Jenna and Andre have already broken up.
  • He called Kendra the day after it happened to tell her about Jenna's drinking.
  • Kendra doesn't know how to talk to Jenna about it, but she knows Jenna isn't the confident girl she pretends to be.
  • Shiloh's tried to talk to both of them about their issues, though. Today she was supposed to take both of them shopping for bridesmaid's dresses, but Jenna didn't show up, so now Kendra's in the store with her alone.
  • Kendra tries on a dress, and Shiloh tells her to look in the mirror and describe what she sees. Kendra says that Shiloh obviously wants her to say she's too thin, but Shiloh just says that what's missing from Kendra's life is love.
  • Kendra tells Shiloh that this is all her fault since if it weren't for Shiloh, her parents would still be married.
  • Shiloh says she didn't know Kendra's dad was married when they met. She didn't know until he told her his wife had left him.
  • Kendra's not having it. She tells Shiloh that her dad was an alcoholic who used to fly into drunken rages. Shiloh says he's not like that anymore, though.
  • Shiloh gets a phone call and tells Kendra they have to leave right then. Something's happened to Jenna.
  • Her mom and Patrick meet them at the hospital.
  • Jenna asked the wrong guy to buy her booze, and she's been raped and stabbed. She almost died, but a stranger found her and brought her to the hospital.