Perfect Themes

Perfect Themes


Perfect begins with the backstory of Conner Sykes, one of the three main characters in Impulse, as told by his twin sister, Cara. Conner's still in Aspen Springs, a psychiatric hospital, and Cara t...


A good subtitle for Perfect might be: So You Think YOUR Family Has Issues? Because, seriously—families in this book bring drama in epic proportions.Cara's parents expect nothing less than academi...


On the surface, Perfect might seem like a big, salacious, soap opera of a novel. However, the whole point of the story is that you have to look beneath the surface to find the truth. And the truth,...


Hopkins is all about having her characters intersect, and in Perfect, one narrator starts dating another narrator's sister. But there are complications: Andre is black, and Kendra and Jenna are whi...

Drugs and Alcohol

Fasten your seatbelts, Shmoopers, because there's some fast living going on in Perfect. Cara's first LGBTQ spring break party is full of underage drinking, and her date, Dani, lost her mother to dr...

Strength and Skill

There's nothing wrong with being good at stuff—after all, that's what college scholarships are made of. In Perfect, Sean's a killer baseball player, Kendra's a pageant queen, Cara's a smarty-pant...


You know how sometimes you're having a bad day, and you log into whatever social media time-waster you're using as a procrastination tool, and it seems like everyone else's life is way better than...

Sexuality and Sexual Identity

Pop quiz: You have a pretty, popular girl who's a cheerleader, and a fashion-trendsetter guy who's enrolled secret dance classes. Which one's gay? Surprise! It's the former. Despite the whispers of...