Perfect Chapter 8 Summary


  • Andre says he likes "playing the game," which means being smarter and more talented than other people. Everybody's gone back to school after the snowstorm, so today's game was faking his way through a trigonometry test.
  • He'll never use math anyway, so he doesn't know why his mom thinks it's so important.
  • Well, except for the fact that she uses it to figure out how much anesthesia to give people and how much flesh to cut off their bodies to make them perfect.
  • As for his dad, he uses math to figure out whether or not his clients can afford the houses they're buying.
  • Andre thinks math might come in handy for figuring out the speed and angle at which he'd have to drive off a mountain to kill himself.
  • He's on his way to a dance lesson with Liana after school. He needs to work off some stress since his dad was hounding him this morning about visiting colleges over spring break.
  • Andre needs $200 for the month's dance lessons, so he plans to tell his mom he needs clothes and a haircut and stops by her office.
  • It's pre-op consultation day, and the office is busy. One of the patients is Kendra, who's in the exam room with his mom discussing her new nose.
  • Jenna's in the waiting room, and Andre is immediately smitten. After all, Jenna has a hot body.
  • Andre starts talking to her while waiting for his mom. He asks if she's there to have surgery, and Jenna says no; she's there with her sister. Jenna's happy with her nose the way it is.
  • They exchange numbers, and Andre thinks about her as he drives to dance lessons. He decides to call her right then and ask her out.
  • Jenna says she has plans for Saturday and Andre says he'll try again.
  • He goes to the dance studio and can't concentrate, so he calls her back and tells her to cancel her plans.