Perfect Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I think/if love is real, and headed/toward the altar, the sex part/can—within reason—wait. (7.20)

Sean's way more sensitive about Cara's feelings before he starts taking steroids, but the "within reason" part is the slippery slope here.

Quote #2

That's not to say/that there aren't any cute girls here./There are a few, and yeah, I've had some/casual sex with one/or two. (Okay, maybe three.) (12.12-13)

One of the reasons Andre takes Jenna more seriously than the other girls he's slept with is that she doesn't feel the need to change herself to meet anyone else's standards. In this way, Jenna is the kind of person Andre wants to be.

Quote #3

I lift up on my knees,/turn to face him, kiss him as if this/might be our last kiss—intention clear/in the race of my heart and the way/my tongue tangos over his. He pulls back. Wait. Are you sure? (13.53-54)

Cara doesn't really feel any sexual attraction to Sean, but she tries to convince herself she does in order to be "normal." It's one more way she's trying to live up to what other people expect her to be.