The Rules of Survival Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I don't know if you'll understand this, Emmy, but for me, fear isn't actually a bad thing. It's a primitive instinct that's your friend. It warns you to pay attention, because you're in danger. It tells you to do something, to act, to save yourself. (2.1)

Fear makes sense in an evolutionary way because it helps you to recognize when there's danger, but it doesn't make sense if you're living in a state of constant fear. Matthew and his siblings are always afraid, which is a pretty uncomfortable way to live.

Quote #5

God's honest trust, Emmy: I don't think I was ever able to look at our mother and just see her. Instead, I'd see in my memory the things she did over the years and the expression on her face when she did them. So I could never quite believe that strangers didn't run screaming down the street at the very sight of her. (6.1)

Nikki looks like a hot mama to most of the outside world… but Matthew sees her as completely different. To him, she looks like a monster because he just sees all the mean and violent things that she's done to them.

Quote #6

I sat in the silence, in the passenger seat of the rented Jeep, my mouth dry and my hands shaking. I could feel Callie's terror from the backseat, but she said nothing either. There was nothing to say. (12.50)

You have to hand it to Nikki—she comes up with lots of creative ways to terrify the kids. From holding knives to their necks, to locking them in closets, to driving into opposing traffic… she keeps it varied.