The Rules of Survival Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm just thinking things out." Callie's voice was flat. "Emmy feeling safe is dangerous. For her. For us. It's just a fact, Matt. I never imagined she would feel safe." She added: "I never have." (18.23)

On one hand, it's a good thing that Emmy hasn't been as traumatized as her siblings. On the other hand, it's a bad thing that she doesn't act like she's scared of Nikki because her attitude just infuriates Nikki and sets her off.

Quote #8

It's strange. The rest of us all admit that Nikki was enough to give anyone nightmares. Even Murdoch. But Aunt Bobbie, who had known Nikki for the longest time and was afraid for the longest time, too, has wiped the fear from her mind like dirt from a window. (31.7)

It's kind of nice to live with Aunt Bobbie now that Nikki no longer has custody because Aunt Bobbie refuses to be afraid of her sister. Instead of admitting that Nikki is truly terrifying, Aunt Bobbie talks about her like she's an annoyance.

Quote #9

We had won our freedom. But it wasn't at all what I'd thought it would be. It didn't make me feel completely safe, the way I'd dreamed.

Nikki was still out there. (38.18-19)

So much for the criminal justice system. The Walsh kids are thrilled that Nikki doesn't have custody anymore, but they're bummed that she's not locked up for a long time. It's scary to know that she's out there somewhere, looking for them.