The Rules of Survival Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Emmy, there was no possible way to protect you from hearing that our mother had hooked up with and seduced a stranger, a large man, intending to get him to do physical harm to her ex-boyfriend. (24.5)

Well, this is awkward. Nikki will do anything in order to get her way. When she wants Murdoch hurt, she'll even seduce a bunch of men to convince them to go and beat him up.

Quote #5

I couldn't stand her fiddling around anymore. "Aunt Bobbie told me," I said to my sisters tensely, "that Murdoch beat Mom up today."

"Good," you interrupted fiercely. (27.14-15)

There's no lost love between Emmy and her mother. When Aunt Bobbie comes over and says that Nikki has claimed that Murdoch beat her up, Emmy isn't even worried about her. Instead, she's fully on Team Murdoch.

Quote #6

She called me into her apartment one evening to tell me that Murdoch had gone to the emergency room the previous night. "He'll be fine," she said. "He just—well, someone bit him." (37.3)

Who in the world is Nikki dating these days—Edward from the Twilight series? Somehow, she's managed to find human men—not vampires—who are willing to stalk Murdoch and bite him. Yes, bite him.