The Rules of Survival Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The other person was Julie Lindemann, Murdoch's next-door neighbor. Julie had been seriously hurt. She was going to live, but that was a miracle, because, among other injuries, her neck was broken. (38.8)

Nikki leaves so much collateral damage in her wake, and she doesn't even feel sorry. An innocent woman has been paralyzed because of Nikki's recklessness, and all she wants to do is get her revenge on Murdoch.

Quote #8

And Nikki attacked. She threw herself at my back, hanging on me with one arm while she clawed at my face with the other. Pain ripped through my cheek. Her weight was heavy on my back. I felt one of her legs twist up as she tried to kick me in the groin with her heel. (44.25)

Apparently, going to jail a couple times has taught Nikki absolutely nothing. Instead of making amends, she goes right for the jugular and physically attacks Matthew the first time that she sees him.

Quote #9

Then some survival force in me took over. I reached up and grabbed her arms, and managed to duck. To my surprise, she flipped over my head and landed with a thump on her back on the carpet in front of me. (44.27)

Up until now, Matthew has always just been a passive victim of Nikki's crazed violence. But enough is enough. At some point, he snaps and pushes her back… if only to get away from her as quickly as possible.