How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I remember what I would not, and forget what I should not. Forgive me." (15.9)
Touchstone's past comes back to haunt him, gripping him with feelings of guilt and loss.
Quote #5
"I think… I know that I am partly responsible for the failing of the Kingdom, the end of the Royal Line." (18.42)
Touchstone's loss is made all the more powerful by the fact that he feels responsible for what happened. Is his guilt justified?
Quote #6
"The other two guards were Rogir's men," Touchstone continued, his voice wet with tears, muffled with sorrow. […] "I went mad, battle-mad, berserk. I killed both guards." (18.58)
For some unexplained reason, Touchstone goes berserk under stressful conditions. He's no longer in control of his actions or behavior, and yet he still feels responsible for them. He feels a particularly bitter sense of loss over Rogir's two guards, whom he killed without knowing it.