How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"It was a beautiful building," Touchstone reminisced. "You could see out over the Saere. It had high ceilings, and a clever system of vents and shafts to catch the light and the sea breeze. There was always music and dancing somewhere in the Palace, and Midsummer dinner on the garden roof, with a thousand scented candles burning…" (20.27)
Can you imagine what it would be like to lose not only your family, but the city and land that you knew as well? Touchstone returns to Belisaere, only to find it completely changed. When he reminisces about the city he knew, we get a sense of how much he misses it.
Quote #8
"I do have to," Touchstone replied. He bit his lower lip nervously. "I have to. I'll never be free of my memories, otherwise. I have to do something, make new memories, better ones. I need to… seek redemption." (20.39)
Here Touchstone talks about what he needs to do in order to cope with his loss: he wants to make new memories and seek redemption. By the story's end, do you think he's been able to do one or both of these things?