Fear Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was never afraid of [the wolf]. (3.3)

Grace is often fearless, in contrast to Sam who is wracked with anxiety. Maybe almost being eaten by wolves emboldens a girl.

Quote #2

Here, in the bookstore [...] there was nothing to stop me from talking to [Grace]. (4.8)

Nothing except that anxiety we mentioned above, Sammy boy. Sam often lets his fear and anxiety prevent him from acting on things he really wants to do.

Quote #3

Everyone was terrified of the wolves now. (5.4)

Grace's fearlessness sets her apart from the rest of the town, who fear the wolves after they kill Jack Culpeper. We have to give Sam some credit for this, though. Do you think Grace would still be brave if it wasn't for Sam's kindness?