Sideways Stories From Wayside School Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You learned that children are really smarter than their teachers," said Mrs. Jewls. "Oh, that's no secret," said Allison. "Everyone knows that." (23.33)

Throughout Sideways Stories, we're never sure who's more clueless, the kids or the teachers. Sometimes the kids make more sense, but sometimes the teachers turn out to be wise after all. In this case, Mrs. Jewls underlines this theme while proving herself to be wiser than she seems.

Quote #8

But a horrible thing happened. Joy couldn't forget about filching Dameon's lunch. And for the rest of the year, every turkey sandwich, piece of chocolate cake, apple, and Tootsie Roll Pop tasted like Miss Mush's porridge. (27.37)

Joy learns the hard way that stealing is wrong, not because she's punished, but because her own conscience turns delicious things sour. This is a good example of knowledge and wisdom earned through making a bad choice.