Story of a Girl Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's been a while." He watched me take a hit. My friend at the time, Melony Fletcher, was sort of a pot head and I'd smoked a little with her. (6.101)

Do you see this as Deanna using the everyone-else-is-doing-it excuse to justify her decision? That kind of justification may make it easier for her to do what she has to do to get the attention she craves.

Quote #8

It was like I was watching myself slide over toward him, watching myself let him pull me onto his lap while I laughed and laughed, goofy from the pot. It didn't seem so bad. (6.105)

Note the number of justifications Deanna throws in while telling the story of her sexual experiences with Tommy. It doesn't make her responsible for being treated badly, but it shows she knew at the time that what she was doing was a bad idea.

Quote #9

"You want to fire one up?" Tommy asked, digging in his pocket for a joint. (8.31)

Tommy might as well just ask her if she still wants to be his booty call—it would be more honest. But as it is, he knows he has to use drugs as a tool to get Deanna to do what he wants sexually. He knows that getting high loosens inhibitions.