Story of a Girl Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ever since Tommy, Darren was a little on the overprotective side, always watching guys watching me. (3.112)

Darren beat up Tommy when he found out Tommy had been sleeping with Deanna. Would Tommy have told lies about their night together if Darren hadn't beat him up?

Quote #5

I imagined my dad watching us on a surveillance camera, staring in surprise as we innocently watched TV instead of making out or snorting coke or piercing each other's nipples or whatever it was my dad thought I did with my spare time. (3.159)

For someone who's so disappointed in his daughter's bad reputation, Deanna's dad doesn't really do anything to keep it from happening again. If he does think that's what she's doing with Jason, he's obviously written her off altogether. She might as well just go ahead and do it, since it's what everyone expects of her—except she doesn't, because she still has that teeny-tiny glimmer of hope for a better future.

Quote #6

What if National Paper had never laid my dad off? Would that have made it easier for him to be the other kind of father? (5.25)

Sometimes our anger at others is actually anger at ourselves. If Deanna's dad hadn't been laid off and felt like he failed his family, he might not have given Deanna such a hard time about failing him.