Story of a Girl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Hearing his name like that, her saying it with so much affection like maybe she actually loved him, I don't know, but I wanted to knock the pizza and root beer off the table and run out of Picasso's. (5.100)

Deanna is just as angry with Lee for her unsullied reputation as she is at for her having Jason's love.

Quote #8

Those words rang in my head […] Tommy, in his car, a boy—a man—telling me I had something other girls didn't. (6.107)

What she has is a combination of naiveté and desperation for affection that manifests as a willingness to put out, so this statement isn't exactly a lie—even if Deanna misunderstands it at the time.

Quote #9

It's funny how just a couple of words from him could make me feel a million times better. (7.22)

This shows both Deanna's actual affection for Jason and her desperation for any affection at all. Any time anyone shows her they care—even a little—she gets a brief respite from the self-hate she constantly feels.