The Body of Christopher Creed Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Richardson had sent Creed to the hospital, and the only other person in the world to do that was me. Nobody was wondering if I had killed Creed. (7.37)

Being acceptable, or normal, can buy you a free pass—being different attracts attention and suspicion from the "normal" majority, who seem unable to understand anyone unlike them.

Quote #8

"As your mother I'm telling you: This is not the type of person to whom we expect you to endear yourself, considering we are paying five thousand a year in property taxes […]" (10.31)

Looking at surface stuff, yeah, Bo has a bad rep. But as is so often the case, there's way more to this tough kid than meets the eye. Luckily Mrs. Adams is open-minded enough to realize this.

Quote #9

But he only did what he had to do to keep going. To be normal and be popular and have fun and keep going. (21.15)

If you think of normal as being whatever it takes to survive—like, the most normal thing about anyone is the survival instinct—then Chris was totally normal considering his circumstances.