The Body of Christopher Creed Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But it struck me that the Church is always saying you shouldn't lie, and here was one. (2.9)

This is the first really hypocritical bit Torey notices that makes him question the authority and authenticity of the church. Be sure to check out the loincloth over in the "Symbolism" section for more on this.

Quote #5

[…] I had never given any thought to the Apostle's Creed or why we said this thing week after week. It was just something "normal" we said. (2.38)

Torey investigates this social dynamic and concludes that everyone should think about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and if they want to keep doing it. People should be more reflective instead of just following the trend.

Quote #6

Leandra went to a holy roller church, which could be a pain, because she could go off about the devil being real and stuff that could make you twitch. (3.7)

It seems pretty clear here that Torey, while he admits that he has his own ideas about God, does not like extreme religions. Perhaps that is how he feels because the majority of Steepleton are a tamer breed of Christian than his Pentecostal girlfriend.