The Body of Christopher Creed Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"As long as kids could make a joke out of it, then it meant that nothing serious had happened." (11.42)

Oh so sad, but true. Torey notices the ways in which people deal with hard things and the ways that they play games with themselves to avoid actually addressing them.

Quote #8

There's something peaceful about what you know to be the truth. I had it, so much so that I'd rather be in jail with the truth than living a lie in the historic Towne of Steepleton. (21.17)

Wow, just wow. Torey has attained enlightenment or something; certainly, he has gained an understanding of honest living. That is powerful.

Quote #9

It's not cultural, it's universal. This picking of truths, like you're picking melons at Superfresh. (22.68)

Truth bomb: what Torey learns about truth and lies in Steepleton totally applies to the rest of the world, too. Boom.