Turtle in Paradise Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Our eyes are different, though. I think the color of a person's eyes says a lot about them. Mama has soft blue eyes, and all she sees is kittens and roses. My eyes are gray as soot, and I see things for what they are. (2.38)

Their eyes might be different, and their personalities might be opposites, but Turtle is kidding herself if she thinks she can't get taken for a ride. She prides herself on seeing things how they are, yet she gets disappointed just as much as anyone else in the book. Perhaps she's not as thick-skinned as she'd like us to believe.

Quote #5

Because Mama works in rich folks' homes, we've had it better than most. But after looking at what Aunt Minnie sets in front of me for breakfast, I start thinking that going hungry might not be that bad after all. (4.2)

Sure Turtle seems positive here, but she also makes plain that she was expecting more for breakfast. It's one thing to say you've had it better than most; it's quite another not to act like that when the wind changes.

Quote #6

"You did that on purpose," I say. "Why? I'm your granddaughter!" Her mouth twitches as if this amuses her. (11.38)

After her grandma spills the food, Turtle gets annoyed. Why would someone do that on purpose? Here she was imagining her grandma getting to know her, but instead she gets a bitter woman without gratitude. Talk about disappointment.