Turtle in Paradise Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What are we gonna do, Smokey?" I say, rubbing her belly as she stretches on the bed. We've never been apart. Having to give her up is almost worse than being sent away from Mama. (12.32)

Turtle is more than a little depressed when she has to give her beloved cat away, especially because she doesn't believe Smokey actually did anything wrong. (Spoiler: She's right.) She's even more disappointed in the fact that her aunt doesn't believe her about the cat, though. It's tough not being heard.

Quote #8

By late afternoon, we're hot, dirty, and exhausted. We've dug a dozen holes all over the key, and all we've found is a whole lot of nothing. It's like looking for hair on Mr. Edgit's head. (14.33)

After not finding the treasure yet on the island, the gang wants to give up; they don't have much hope, and it seems like this whole journey has been a big waste of time. Turtle thinks about how pointless it is to look for the treasure because she knows she'll let herself down. Too bad she's wrong.

Quote #9

Strange as it sounds, I'm having a hard time getting used to wearing them. They're pretty as a postcard, but they pinch my toes and my feet are hot and sweaty. (17.56)

Once she finally gets to buy herself a pair of fancy shoes, she doesn't even like them. What gives? Turtle's been wanting shoes for so long she forgets what they're actually like. She's not impressed when she realizes how impractical and unnecessary they really are in Key West—it's no wonder no one wears them there.