Turtle in Paradise Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh, Beans," the woman says. "I don't think I've ever been so happy to see someone!" (4.28)

This is how moms generally respond to Beans when the Diaper Gang shows up to take care of their babies. Can you blame them? They take a screaming infant away for a while and cure their diaper rash while they're at it. To these moms, happiness is a happy, healthy baby.

Quote #5

As I walk to the docks through the gray early-morning light, I feel just like Terry Lee heading off with Pat on an adventure to the Far East. Except, of course, I'm going to be looking for sponges, not a gold mine. But I don't care; I'm excited. (7.1)

Turtle's excited for her adventure with Slow Poke, especially since it makes Beans jealous. Perhaps for the first time since getting to Key West, she's happy about what she's doing, and really excited for something.

Quote #6

"What about you, Turtle?" Ira asks. "What are you gonna buy?"

I don't even have to think it over. "New shoes," I say.

"Shoes?" Ira laughs. "Nobody wears shoes around here." (15.28-30)

As the Diaper Gang finds find the treasure, they ask each other what they'll buy with their newfound cash. Top of the list? A new wagon and ice cream for the boys, and shoes for Turtle. It's telling that they don't want fancy stuff to make them happy, just regular old things like the stuff they already have.