Turtle in Paradise Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Something washes over me and this time it's not water: it's fear. What good is all this gold if we're dead? What if I never see Mama again? She doesn't even know I'm stranded on a key with a bunch of dumb boys. (16.92)

Money doesn't buy happiness. Too bad Turtle doesn't realize this before she finds the treasure, though. She's finally got the golden ticket and starts to worry it doesn't mean anything if no one finds them on the island. Happiness can quickly fade, it seems.

Quote #8

She's smiling so wide she's practically glowing. "Oh, Mama!" I say, and I feel her happiness like my own. It's as if a weight has lifted off my heart, and for the first time in my life I can breathe. (17.81)

Her mom and Archie got married and Turtle is over the moon for her mom. After all, she can practically feel her mom's happiness. It's a sweet scene between mom and daughter, because they are not usually happy together.

Quote #9

It's like the happy ending of a Hollywood picture: Archie and Mama and me strolling arm in arm along Duval Street, a perfect family. (17.117)

Turtle has dreamed of this perfect ending for as long as she can remember, even if she won't let herself admit it. Still, if you compare this passage to the last one where she shares her mom's happiness, we can't help but notice how little she actually describes her feelings here. Instead, she simply tells us how perfect it is.