Typee Awe & Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This lovely sheet of water was almost circular in figure, and about three hundred yards across. Its beauty was indescribable. (18.1)

Sure, it was indescribable…but please allow me to describe it, anyway.

Quote #8

[...] fell upon the grotesquely-tattooed form of Kory-Kory, and finally, encountered the pensive gaze of Fayaway, I thought I had been transported to some fairy region, so unreal did everything appear. (18.10)

Though Typee never slides fully into the surreal, Tommo's incredulity certainly makes it feel uncanny at times.

Quote #9

[...] the most bewitching ankle in the universe. (18.15)

We'd really like to get a look at that ankle.