Typee Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What a transition! The dark figures around us leaped to their feet, clapped their hands in transport, and shouted again and again the talismanic syllables, the utterance of which appeared to have settled everything. (10.25)

At first, non-verbal gestures are the best way for Tommo and Toby to communicate. What are things you do when you meet strangers, to put them at ease?

Quote #5

I compromised the matter with him at the word 'Tommo'; and by that name I went during the entire period of my stay in the valley. (10.27)

A name is something that can signify belonging. Is Tommo being welcomed here?

Quote #6

This was the vocal telegraph of the islanders; by means of which condensed items of information could be carried in a very few minutes from the sea to their remotest habitation, a distance of at least eight or nine miles. (10.39)

Before telephones, it took more than two people to have a conversation. How many depended how far apart they were. (What happened if you wanted to tell someone a secret?)