Typee Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Anxious to draw him away from the subject, if possible—for I saw that it would be in vain to attempt changing his mind—I directed his attention to a long bright unwooded tract of land which, sweeping down from the elevations in the interior, descended into the valley before us. (8.6)

Here Tommo's attempting to exert power by misdirection—how 48 Laws of Power of him.

Quote #5

Close to where we lay, squatting upon their haunches, were some eight or ten noble-looking chiefs—for such they subsequently proved to be—who, more reserved than the rest, regarded us with a fixed and stern attention. (10.22)

If silence signifies power, how much power does Tommo have?

Quote #6

One of them in particular, who appeared to be the highest in rank, placed himself directly facing me, looking at me with a rigidity of aspect under which I absolutely quailed. (10.22)

"Quail" is a verb that means to feel fear. What might this say about Tommo's relationship with the Typee at this point in the book?