Typee Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometimes vague accounts of such things reach our firesides, and we coolly censure them as wrong, impolitic, needlessly severe, and dangerous to the crews of other vessels. (4.31)

Judge not lest ye be judged, right?

Quote #5

How often is the term 'savages' incorrectly applied! None really deserving of it were ever yet discovered by voyagers or by travellers. (4.32)

Interestingly, both Melville and Tommo use the term "savage" pretty freely.

Quote #6

It may be asserted without fear of contradictions that in all the cases of outrages committed by Polynesians, Europeans have at some time or other been the aggressors, and that the cruel and bloodthirsty disposition of some of the islanders is mainly to be ascribed to the influence of such examples. (4.32)

What do you think Tommo is really trying to say here? Is he on one "side" or the other?