Westmark Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Mickle, then. I take it you have no permanent attachments. I urge you to join me and my colleagues. The possibilities are vast. The sums could be enormous." 

"Sums?" said Mickle. "Does that mean money?"

"All you could desire. Eventually, that is." (7.43-45)

Mickle makes the decision to join Las Bombas gang based on pure practicality. She's penniless and needs money—and this gig promises food and shelter, as well as funds. Unlike Theo, she doesn't take her morals into account, possibly because she's led a very difficult life until now.

Quote #8

"That's certain. Some of ours. Some of theirs. As little as possible, but no avoiding it. Yes, youngster, it may end with killing. We'd be a band of innocent idiots if we didn't expect it. You want your friends. My people want guns. We'll do whatever we must. Will you?" (16.30)

Florian is a realist. He has made the choice to invade Nierkeeping, both to help himself and to help Theo, but he is aware of the possible results. His own friends—or his enemies—might die. Florian has assessed the consequences of action and inaction, and concluded that it's worth risking his comrades' lives in Nierkeeping. This battle will be one step in a larger journey to democracy, he thinks.

Quote #9

When the press at last was ready—Stock had insisted on naming it The Westmark Phoenix—Florian treated them to a supper at Jellinek's: a double celebration, since Theo had finished his pamphlet and Florian had praised it. (15.18)

Theo has become part of Florian's rebellion. By writing a pamphlet about the injustices done to Anton, he has situated himself firmly in the camp opposing Cabbarus and, indeed, the king. When he realizes that he's also in deep with Princess Augusta, this tie might put his loyalty in question.