Westmark Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Florian laughed. "We have something in common. My name isn't Florian." (13.23)

Not everyone can be honest all the time, and even Florian—the guy who fights for the people's rights—realizes that some things have to be sacrificed in his quest for justice. He conceals his real identity so he can't be caught, though this means he's lying in the process. That's just life.

Quote #11

Theo, excited, pressed him for some hint, but Florian left, saying no more. The old woman whose son was in prison had been waiting patiently. Theo had written her same letter to the Royal Prosecutor so often that he knew it word for word. He had, until then, considered that the best service he could do would be to tell her to go away, that it was a lost cause. He beckoned to her.
"Come along, mother," he said. "Let's try again." (13.44-45)

Theo thinks that writing appeal letters to Westmark's prisons is pointless, but Florian informs him he's doing a service to those who commission letters by keeping their hope alive. Thus, by fibbing a bit, Theo nurtures faith within an old soul… so maybe he's doing good while lying.