Westmark Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Tomorrow? We can't. There's not enough time."
"Take it or leave it. Tomorrow or not at all." The dwarf rocked back and forth on his heels.
Theo's mind raced. He could not bring himself to turn down such a piece of business. With a master craftsman like Anton, the two of them working all night at top speed, it was possible, though barely so. But the decision was Anton's to make. Theo had never promised work on his own. (1.24-26)

There are lots of kinds of power. If you have money, you can get people to do a lot of things, and here, Musket's commissioning of Dr. Absalom's fliers wouldn't have gotten off the ground if he hadn't offered Theo a lot of money. Interestingly, a result of this action was to upend Theo's entire world. Everyone loves the dollar.

Quote #5

Augustine turned a feverish eye on his chief minister. The king was not a tall man; since his loss, he had shrunk still further into himself: emptied, filled only with inner shadows. He had never ceased to blame himself for being too doting a father. Had he been less indulgent, the tragedy would not have happened. Because it was too late to take a stronger hand with his daughter, he had chosen Cabbarus to take a stronger hand with his people. Since then, Augustine had only one concern. (5.11)

By giving in to his grief and neglecting his duties as king, Augustine allowed power to slip from his fingers. This left important duties up for grabs—and the person he gave the tasks to just happened to be a terribly corrupt guy. The king ignores his rightful duty and lets Cabbarus get away with evil things.

Quote #6

Mickle shook her head. "I don't know letters."

"You can't write?" Theo put down his brush. "You can't even read?" (8.24-25)

Theo has a power that Mickle doesn't—literacy—so though Mickle might be a prodigy at scheming, this is a major barrier to her ability to live a legitimate life. Theo imparts his knowledge to her, willingly sharing his power, just as she does when teaching him sign language. Generosity is a pretty powerful power in its own right.