Why We Broke Up Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Ed, I'll tell you what's the use of friendship, because we never were friends. The use is racing off into the night, is what the use is. Rolling down the windows, the rained-out air in our faces all the way to the shop. The use is the good talking, and the not talking as we got there. (22.162)

Min's observation about the talking and the not talking foreshadows her falling out with Al, during which they give one another the silent treatment.

Quote #8

I stood alone with it in my hands in Green Mountain Hardware, quiet and lonely and trying to conjure Al beside me so I could ask him things only he could know. (27.1)

When Min and Al are fighting, he remains her constant companion in her thoughts. Aw…

Quote #9

"And that's not even counting the Al drama. Min, I really wish you guys would, you know, kiss and make up."

"He knows where to find me," I said.

"Yeah," she said sharply. "Basketball practice."

"He's my boyfriend," I said. "That's what he does."

"That and take money from my purse." (31.8-31.12)

Al's not the only one who isn't fond of Ed. Here, Lauren needles Min about the relationship. Yes, she's harsh, but there's also truth in her words.