Why We Broke Up Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was tired of it, I never liked it, but of course I was going, just like you were going to the All-City Halloween Bash, the Ball and the Bash, and everybody chooses sides. (25.22)

The Ball and the Bash are rival Halloween parties. The Bash is for Ed's friend group—the popular kids, the mean girls, and the jocks—while the Bash is for the goths and the drama nerds, with whom Min seems to feel an affinity.

Quote #8

"You must be Annette." (40.39)

The florist thinks that Min is Annette. She is not.

Quote #9

"Look, Min, I know you don't believe me, but this is hard. For me, too. It's awful, it's weird, it's like I was two people and one of them was, yes, Min, really—really really happy with you. I did love you, I do. But then at night Annette would knock on my window and it was just like something else, like a secret I didn't even know about—" (40.71)

Ed tries to explain himself. When he cheated on Min, it was like he was another guy. Do you buy that?