Why We Broke Up Lies and Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Those aren't for her," you said suddenly, and this was also, Ed, the wrong goddamn thing. (40.44)

Worst. Breakup. Line. Ever. Ed is talking about Annette's flowers, which indeed are not for Min. Dumping someone via text message seems almost gallant by comparison.

Quote #8

"You—did you sleep with her?" Nights I began to add up, when we didn't talk on the phone, or did but quickly. Joan mad and evasive answering, stomping upstairs to fetch you. I was a good listener, I am one. I was listening to all of it. (40.70)

Short answer: Yes, Ed has been sleeping with Annette. Finally, the exact nature of his treachery has been revealed.

Quote #9

You had every scrap of skin, and I had a handful of petals in one hand, somebody else's flowers, and this in the other. How many times had you been in Willows, seen it right there tacked to the wall next to a picture of kittens hanging from a tree, all bug-eyed sad, with a stupid caption everybody's seen a million times? (40.78)

It gets worse: Ed didn't just lie about Annette—he also lied about Lottie Carter, who is dead. Like a fool, Min has been planning Lottie's birthday party.