Why We Broke Up Lies and Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Well, you went out with Joe for how long, and you never asked me anything about what would a guy think."

"Well, but Joe was like you. Us."

"No, he wasn't. Not to me, anyway."

"You liked him, I thought."

Al put the ladder away. "Min, Joe was a manipulative dick." (22.168-22.172)

Min has a history of dating jerks. It is happening again.

Quote #5

We stayed like that listening to Joan close a closet and come down. Ed, it's ridiculous, but I loved her too. And could goddamn kill her for not saying something. Though what she could have said that I could have heard I cannot for the life of me see. (32.48)

Min is angry with Joan for not explicitly telling her that Ed cheated. Still, Min recognizes that Joan made an effort—and to be fair, Ed is Joan's brother, and Min even admits that Joan probably couldn't have convinced her of his terribleness anyway.

Quote #6

Lauren told me when we hung out that weekend that you must have wanted to be found out, that you wanted it over and that's why we ended up at Willows after practice. I think and think about it. But what I think is you were just outmaneuvered. (40.2)

Do you think Ed wants to be found out in the Willows scene? The text suggests that he is ready to take his relationship with Annette to the next level, so the timing of revealing his infidelity does seem awfully convenient.