Why We Broke Up Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't want to lose my virginity in your bed," I said.

You sighed at the napkin. "Do you mean that, like, not in my bed or not with me?"

"Just the actual bed," I said. "Or your car or a park. Somewhere, you'll laugh, somewhere extraordinary." (25.98-25.100)

Min craves adventure and intrigue, and often she finds it. What she doesn't realize is those qualities are innately in her—not her external surroundings.

Quote #8

My unguarded vengeance, unbuttoning my costume for the first time, showing the lining of my dad's forgotten coat and also what I was wearing beneath it. Which had been for you, Ed, my best bra." (29.196)

After a huge fight with Ed, Min finds relief in a wild dance with her ex-boyfriend, Joe. Does she want to make Ed jealous? Or is it not about him?

Quote #9

Criminy, I remember you saying. I was smiling because I didn't have to be guided like I thought I'd be, not as much. I could do some things. Some parts I was very good at. (34.1)

For all her anxiety about losing her virginity, Min's first time goes better than she had expected. We're glad for her, too, since Ed's ultimately such a bust.