Why We Broke Up Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm a virgin."

You almost spat out orange juice. "OK."

"I just thought I'd tell you."


"Because I didn't before."

"Listen, it's OK." You coughed a little. "Some of my best friends are virgins." (19.5-19.10)

Look at that—Ed made a joke. It doesn't really put Min at ease, but he gets points for trying.

Quote #5

They tell you, in the pamphlets they throw at us, they say talk to your parents or a clergyman or a trusted teacher or friend. But there is nobody acceptable on that list, parents part of the problem, a teacher who will say There are some conversations I'm not really allowed to have with you, and most friends squealing to their other friends just like a clergyman will tattle to God. (22.65)

Min wants to talk to someone about sex. In theory, she should have lots of options, but in practice, there's really just one. And his name is Al.

Quote #6

I've seen Now Calls the Wilderness on the big screen, Ed, I've seen a fully restored print of The Acrobats. I have never seen anything so very beautiful as you in your underwear like a little boy, then naked, hooting with laughter, the drink a streak on your chest, excited, looking at me in the living room. (22.253)

Min finds Ed physically attractive, in case you didn't get that from the ten thousand other passages like this one.