Why We Broke Up Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You came down fully dressed and started slicing the cucumber and kissed me on the top of my head. I stayed there loving you, though the love made me, not sad but I guess melancholy, for a reason I couldn't point to. (32.4)

Why was Min feeling melancholy pre-breakup? Unclear. It's like her heart knows what's going to happen before her brain does.

Quote #8

Here we are at the bottom, almost empty. It's like confetti, these dried remnants you find in the street for a party no one invited you to. But they used to be, I can admit, part of something beautiful. (40.1)

There's no bummer quite like cleaning up after a party you were never invited to. Not that we'd know…

Quote #9

Wish it was the last time I found you beautiful, Ed. I could have let you go then, pushed back your kisses and toppled us into traffic instead of the way you haunt my hallways now. (40.31)

Ed's a ghost that haunts Min at school—and not the good kind, like in Harry Potter, either.