The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Chapters 29-30 Summary

Bind it Tight With Sticking Plaster

  • Trish's boyfriend has keys to a bunch of the rooms in the school because he's an AVT guy and hooks up DVD players and stuff for the teachers. 
  • So Frankie begs Trish for the keys and Trish agrees. But she wants them back by Wednesday—no exceptions. 
  • Keys in hand, Frankie goes into the Founder's House and looks at the bronze map of the campus. Underneath the part of the map that shows the library, she finds a small leather-bound notebook. Jackpot!


  • The Disreputable History of the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds goes back all the way to 1951 and is recorded until 1975. 
  • Frankie settles down and reads all about their exploits, including how her father actually smoked some weed in his days as a Basset. Fodder for later blackmail, perhaps? 
  • She also hungrily reads about all the great pranks that the Bassets used to pull, and marvels about their sense of togetherness.
  • And at the back of the notebook is a key that says Hazelton, sub-16. 
  • The mystery deepens.