The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But as she looked at him laughing with Callum, Dean, and Alpha, Frankie remembered how Matthew had called her a "pretty package," how he'd called her mind little, how he'd told her not to change—as if he had some power over her. (13.7)

Okay, can we just take a moment to ask the question we've been dying to ask: why in the world is Frankie dating this dude in the first place, if all she does is complain about how he sees her? Why would she want to be with someone who belittles her, if she's such a budding feminist? We smell a little hypocrisy coming from Frankie, and it does not smell good.

Quote #2

And the dogs would mix juice and soda together, or quiz each other on dates for history, or draw ridiculous doodles in their notebooks, or make ornate paper airplanes instead of studying—and Frankie would be a part of it. Almost. (15.35)

The "dogs" have such a nice group of friends and Frankie likes sitting with them at lunch, but feels like she's only accepted on a conditional basis. After all, she's just a girlfriend. But, we'd like to point out: she could go make some more friends of her own. Trish would be happy to include her, after all. What's so dissatisfying about that?

Quote #3

Don't sound whiny. Don't sound defensive. Don't sound pitiful. Don't sound angry. I can't say any of the things I feel, because none of them are any good. (24.58-59)

This girl knows how to self-edit. Instead of letting Matthew know just how unhappy she is that he's ditching her, she keeps it in check.