The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Chapters 33-34 Summary


  • Frankie sends out an email around Halloween to all the Basset Hounds telling them to change the plans for Halloween: they're actually going to pull off a mission called "In the Ladies We Trust." 
  • Prior to that, the plan had been to fork the main quad so that when seen from above, it said "Beware the Basset." 
  • Instead, on Halloween, all the students and staff wake up to all the portraits in the buildings adorned with bras. Very mature.
  • Even the statues and trees have been decorated, and the library dome is made to look like a giant boob. 
  • Frankie goes down to breakfast and feigns surprise with the rest of the students. They're all debating over the meaning of the prank.
  • Matthew is really excited but of course doesn't tell Frankie that he was involved in any way.

A Vamp

  • Alpha comes back from his yoga trip and goes to a Basset Hounds meeting while Frankie watches from the shadow like some creepy stalker. 
  • Frankie's expecting some real drama to go down as Alpha gets mad and accuses other people of impersonating him, but that's not what happens.
  • Instead, Alpha plays along, as if he were the one who planned it the whole time. He just takes all the credit and then excuses himself. 
  • Frankie is surprised, but decides to raise the stakes of this game.