The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"[…] It's not like they had decided to ignore me. You know how it feels when someone is ignoring you. You can feel they know you're there. This was like they didn't register me as a person they had ever known." (23.11)

Even if Star is dumb, Frankie can't help but be shaken by her account of what happened when Dean broke up with her. After all if it can happen to one, it can happen to all. Frankie could be in just as precarious a position. And yet, she finds a very different ending than Star does. Why is that?

Quote #2

When I act the way I acted, Matthew doesn't like me as much as he does when I fall off my bicycle. (24.55)

It's a little disturbing to Frankie that Matthew seems to like her best when she's playing the swooning princess, in need of a prince to come slay the dragon for her. Which makes us wonder: why does she bother playing the swooning princess in the first place? Is Matthew really worth it?

Quote #3

Frankie was glad he was gruntled. And she was angry that he wouldn't tell her why. Both. (33.51-52)

Even when Frankie pulls off her first awesome prank, she can't share the moment with Matthew. Well, that's what happens when you and your boyfriend are lying to each other, sweetheart. She's really put herself in a tough position here.