The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He thought she wasn't voracious. That she didn't go after what she wanted. That she was a girl who left the boardwalk as soon as her mother called her cell. (14.88)

Alpha clearly underestimates Frankie and thinks that she's weak and just a girl. She'll show him. She'll eat all those garlic knots (even if they make her nauseous) because she is voracious. At least in spirit.

Quote #2

The oath was a puzzle. It would tell her where the history was. And none of the current members of the Order seemed to even know it existed. (26.56-57)

Clever Frankie! She's managed to figure out what generations of Basset Hounds have completely missed. What does she have that they don't? What is it that allows Frankie to achieve what so many Basset Hounds couldn't before?

Quote #3

Those younger Bassets had been too dumb to find the history, Frankie guessed. Probably they searched, but without luck. (30.7)

Even if Frankie isn't as physically strong as the boys, she's got quite a head on her shoulders. And she's going to use it to outsmart them. We're betting she'd argue that mental strength is far more important that physical prowess.