The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Frankie had gotten by at Alabaster on the strength of being Zada's little sister. (2.5)

Alabaster may be a fine institution of learning, but let's get real—it's still high school. These students care more about their reputation within the school than just about anything. And those reputations have nothing to do with learning or grades. Reputation matters, and if you don't have any social cache, you're dead meat.

Quote #2

"Right now is when you make the friendships that are gonna last you a lifetime. These people will get you jobs, you'll get them jobs. It's a network that's going to give you opportunities, Bunny Rabbit. Opportunities." (4.7)

Senior is pretty serious about what he's getting out of paying for Alabaster. We guess it's not just fancy prep clothes and cute boys. And to be fair, dear old dad has a point. The choices Frankie makes at Alabaster will likely affect the rest of her life. So, based on her choices, how do you think she's going to fare in the real world?

Quote #3

Like the other students at Alabaster, Matthew wore none of his wealth on his back. Old chinos and a thin red T-shirt with a stain on the stomach, ancient sneakers, and the same backpack Frankie knew he'd carried last year. (7.2)

Matthew's reputation precedes him. Clichés aside, that means that he doesn't need to bother looking rich or powerful because everyone already knows that he is.