The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She was a girl who liked to read, had only ever had one boyfriend, enjoyed the debate team, and still kept gerbils in a Habitrail. (2.7)

The beginning-of-the-year Frankie bears very little resemblance to the Frankie we see at the end of the novel. But does her physical transformation parallel an inner one? In other words, has Frankie's identity changed—or is she still the same girl?

Quote #2

How does a person become the person she is? What are the factors in her culture, her childhood, her education, her religion, her economic stature, her sexual orientation, her race, her everyday interactions – what stimuli lead her to make choices other people will despise her for? (16.1)

Frankie's obviously in the process of growing up throughout the book. She's kind of starting to figure out who she is in relation to everyone else. But figuring out who she is in relation to everyone else is not necessarily the same thing as figuring out who she is in the first place.

Quote #3

"Don't worry," said Frankie. "I'm indelible." (18.76)

While we salute the sentiment, we wonder if Frankie really buys what she's selling here. After all, if she is in fact indelible, why does she keep letting Matthew squelch her true self? Why does she keep his shirt?