The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"No, I'm not, Bunny," Ruth said. "I am treating you like a very attractive, still very young, teenage girl." (3.29)

How unfair. Frankie's younger cousin (who's only 12) gets to go to town by himself because he's a boy, but Frankie is kept on a ball and chain because she's a delicate little flower of a girl. Who happens to be a hottie.

Quote #2

These guys, they were so sure of their places in life—so deeply confident of their merit and their future—they didn't need any kind of front at all. (8.67)

Frankie doesn't have the advantage that her boyfriend and all his senior male friends have; she has to struggle to try to break the door open for herself. She needs that front.

Quote #3

Frankie found her friend's attitude infuriating. By opting out of what the boys were doing in favor of a typically feminine pursuit, Trish had closed a door- the door between herself and that boys' club her brothers had on the beach. (12.20)

Trish may think that she's just opting out of something she finds unfun, but Frankie sees it as a betrayal to herself. So she's taking herself out of the picture instead of changing the situation into one that she'd like better. But we wonder what Trish would have to say about all this if she were given the opportunity to speak for herself. We bet she's got a different perspective—one that might be nice to hear.