The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What is the panopticon? And in what way does Frankie challenge the notion of the panopticon? 
  2. How do the boys resemble the Basset hounds that they're named after? Are they alpha dogs or are they followers? 
  3. Do you think Frankie should have toned down her feminist streak a little in order to keep Matthew in her life? Was it worth it to lose him? Why or why not?
  4. What influence does Zada have on the way that Frankie thinks? In what way does Frankie reach her own independent conclusions? 
  5. Why was Frankie's first prank called "In the Ladies We Trust"? 
  6. How does teenage romance play into the whole story? Is it important for Frankie to have a boyfriend? Why or why not?
  7. Now that Frankie's infiltrated the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds, do you think they'll allow girls to join in the future? Why or why not? 
  8. In what ways does Frankie challenge Matthew's notions of what his girlfriend is supposed to be like? And in what ways does Matthew challenge Frankie's notions of what a boyfriend should be like?
  9. Why is it important that Frankie suddenly got pretty over the summer? Would she have been able to carry out her pranks if that wasn't the case? 
  10. How does Frankie challenge the notions of the old money brotherhood as well as the patriarchy?